I took of the next day so we could head up to Montana for the weekend. We went up to Montana for Boyd's basketball senior night. Alan's cousin Annette lives in Orem and wanted to come up for the weekend to see Grandma and Grandpa Jenne as well. It was going to be a party up there! Both of the grandparents , Laynee (don't know how to spell her name) Spencer's cousin, and us were going to stay at the Jenne's. It was awesome that Annette drove with us. We got to hear a bunch of stories about the family. We grew closer to her. She also told us the story about how her husband died. I felt honored because she said that she doesn't tell the story to many people.

When we got up to Montana we went straight to Boyd's game. He played so good! He was one of the high scorers. That night we went back home and talked. We all caught up on each others lives. I met Laynee for the first time. She just got back home from her mission in Australia. She was a lot of fun!
Saturday morning we got up and went to breakfast with Chase and his girlfriend. Chase is a best friend of Spencer's growing up. He is about 6 foot 7, I swear! After breakfast we headed up to Stevenville to watch Boyd play basketball again. We all had to cram in the Tahoe... It was the most uncomfortable drive ever! It only took us 3 hours to get there! They lost the game to so it wasn't even worth it! We got back home around 10:30 and went to bed. Everyone was beat.

Monday morning, we woke up and played with the horses some more. They stomped on Spencer's foot. Thank goodness it didn't break. We headed home around 2 and got home around 8. It was such a good weekend. :)